Mucho Uno Denaro spent, ready to get it on.
I have a simple question getting started tonight. If your in a public place and need to uncramp your balls, how do you do that without it looking like your spanking your chicken? Earlier today had a great lunch, after getting released from the hospital, with one of my best gals and her husband. So we are sitting there having a great conversation, really doing a ratchetjawing session, and my balls felt like they was in a vise. It wasn't until they walked off to the head, that I finally reached under my britches and undid my balls. The relief was immeasurable. But I was okay. They came back, and looks like we now have two more advanced broadcast pros involved in expanding and growing HazzardAyre/DixieDiesel Radio. Now it becomes the need to recruit, lady voices into the studio, which I have learned can be done using AI, rather than a griping human woman. Not excluding women, but I have yet, to find outside of 3 over 30 years, of people who can walk into this studio, park her butt in the pilot seat, and fly this radio gig. Yes finally after what? 28 years, getting a Miss Dixie Diesel. The last Miss Dixie Diesel was Robin Whittaker of Minidoka Idaho, who now is in NYC, working at FoX News Channel, at $500k a year. Yes, we planted that seed and are very happy for her, but we need another, so searches are out for that. What Overdrive Magazine started in years gone by, we want to do now, A online published truckers leisure publication, this is it. You can find us here, at or And yes HazzardAyre is getting its own page as well. A Miss HazardAyre project is also on the planning table.

This is what we are working to look like, the only spicey part looks like this 
This is what spooks many applicants, their minds can not separate the idea that this>Goes together as Toe and Tow put together as toew. Our network has always been centered on the towing industry. That's why the Over the Ar radio station that is our mothership, has the call letters of KTOW, or KAY-ToW, or ToE. But no, kissing smelly feet and or toes are too many ladies is perverse and as such, they need to scream, sexual contact in the workplace. They do not understand that modeling and or acting, is specific on a concept of a role, not an abstract attempt to get touchy-feely, in the studio. I taught this to a young gal who worked at KUPI in Idaho Falls. There was a part in the copy that needed a kiss. I demonstrated that kissing your hand did not sound quite like a deep throat lip-lock. The Lip-Lock sounded better, the advertiser liked it, the spot was produced, and was thrilled. I heard that the ad generated a bunch of money for the sponsor. At that time I was co-producing on the local level ITRN(Interstate-Trucker-Network) show, that got picked up by a syndicater, which in 1992 we bought which was the grounding of Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio. The rest is history.