Monday, August 30, 2010

Another State Fair? Could be>


It’s fair time in the valley and the crew of the Knytes-of-Anarchy will be at two of them, the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot and the Twin Falls County Fair in File 10 miles outside of Twin Falls.

With that said and the entertainment value of this years Twin Falls County Fair , I have to ask, is there room for another better financed fall bash? I say yes. In fact DukesFest West-aka the Hazzard Nationals is just that , a Community fair with rides , food, and tunes. Rides being the 4 and even 18 wheeled kind. Did I say food? More over how about tunes? How about Cooter’s Garage Band? Katy Perry? I think you get the idea. Plans are in the works for re-emerging this event that was a staple of Hazzard, until the Hazzard County Fairgrounds burned up several years ago. Since then a venue for the event has be a long term search, so we said why not Buhl? Watch here and the TIMES NEWS for details.

Was busy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs today. Doing fall bi-annual inspections on aircraft, plus busting butt on getting LexiBelle ready for winter . That said , when I get phone calls, people can’t somehow get it in their minds, that when I hear the phone, if I can hear it over aircraft engines, I still have to run across the Hangar, to the office, to the phone. That’s why it may take a few minutes for me to get to the phone. So those of you calling, just stay on the phone, I’ll get there, it just takes a few minutes to get to the phone from across the hangar.

Fall is upon us: Found myself turning on the heater overnight. It got a bit chill . Guess what? Heaters, while functional , still is nothing like the ones in Gooding. Thing is I suppose, if you want the perfect place, you don’t rent you buy.

Last but not least, three airshows are on the HUD for this month, two in Nevada, and one in Utah. The regional rotary airshow in Utah is a must for the AyreWolvez since we just love helos. The other two are in Reno and Las Vegas respectfully. The Airshow in Reno is noteworthy. The Reno AirShow is thee aviation event of them all at least on the left coast.

Last, could there be an additional State Fair in Idaho? I’d like to see something like the Southern Idaho State Fair. To compete with both the Western Idaho and Eastern Idaho State Fairs? It would give some serious brain drains to the planners of these events.

More Tuesday,

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm. - Vince Lombardi
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Folks should not ignore the Wolf


There are many people’s who ignore or just not get too all head up over the happenings of the Knytes of Anarchy. Those that do, too often find themselves wishing they ought to have. Then there comes the apologies over flat ignorance .

When the preteen or as they call today tweens, the Street Commanders Club,  embarked on a quest to create an EMS/QRU Explorer Post in Hazzard in the early 1970’s , a request to the TIMES NEWS, went out and although done was a bit lackluster to say the least. Over the course of time what was then the Gooding County Leader printed scads of 411 of the formation of both the Street Commanders Club and the inevitable TeenAge Truckers 4-H young truckers organization . But as far as the BIG PAPER of Twin Falls and surrounding area we were most often ignored. We as the then TeenAge Truckers Club, which formed the Road Commanders Club that later became the foundation of what would evolve into the Hazzard County Knytes made due, but the ignore part of the Times News also cost the Times News many readers and some ad dollars. It was because of that ignorance that made the need for the radio station project in the first place. Obviously had a few other mainstream radio and print media firms in our area gave attention to what we were doing , maybe the events in 1975 might have been their front page. For it was in late 1974 that the then I-80 Control CB Club, combined with the Road Commanders Club, threw the biggest event that has ever occurred at the Filer Fairgrounds near Twin Falls. Our Trucker/CB Radio Enthusiasts Jamboree was and is still on the books of the grandest gig ever thrown there. Filer grew to just under 200,000 people that attended that bash, not only did truck stops, cafe’s and other similar type firms record some of their highest earnings, but so too did Motels, Hotels, RV parks, Campgrounds, had some of the best incomes ever done there. But neither the Times News nor many of the area media get the green that could have been theirs had they just got off their office chairs and hauled over to Hazzard to sit down and do up a story. In fact even though I had been doing fill in gigs with various radio stations in the area, it wasn’t until Charlie Tuma at KLIX 1310 allowed me to do the overnight weekend time slot that OTR style radio made its way over the airwaves over the highways of the Magic Valley. I had great teachers in radio, over those formative years, Big Kelly over at KEEP(KEZJ TODAY) , Dave Winters at KLIX, Carl Raida over at KLIX, Bobby Dobbs at KLIX, to name a few. Al Lee over at KART when it was a real all the time live radio station, Phil Gray, Doug Maughn , a Kelly Carlson of then KMTW, in fact it was Kelly Carlson that gave me a green light with a few dollars greasing the palm, to let me do a gig for OTR truckers on a mostly top 40 pop station. One of the most rememrable events was one weekend I was pooped. So I just put on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album , and let it run, without any commercial interruptions along with no editing. Edgy radio had arrived in the Magic Valley and so did I. I did a few local radio shifts after that, but I discovered two people that would forever change my style of radio forever The first of course is the legendary Robert Smith AKA WolfMan Jack. In fact it was Bob who told me to not quit, as he said I was one that had grit and talent. Shortly there after I caught Dr. Demento, and combined my style with theirs and grew what became Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio out of that. Trouble is like most things racy in the Magic Valley , area media was timid about putting on a show that was a bit too much in the hammer lane. Something to do with the restrictive , religious majority, in this area. So since the door was shut, on me, and the RCC, we decided to take matters in our own paws. It was in mid 1980 when the forming Hazzard crew said why can’t we do a station up in the Hagerman valley. Even though we were not legal, KDSL FM 89.1 went on the air anyway. Robert Conrad over at KLIX was threatened by our style of radio since we were getting ratings that far exceeded any station in the valley. So Mr. Conrad , blew the horn and we got a letter from the FCC, get legal or shut down/ . Adrian Cronhour , who you saw portrayed in Good Morning Vietnam, who became our legal council with the revenuers in DC, and some help from a few open minded politicians, and KTOW FM 105.7 went on the air from West Point Idaho in the fall of 1984. Shortly there after Marine service called me back in and for the most part KTOW went dark but not dead. In 1999 KTOW was fired back up for a short time in Hazzard, but again special services called me back in to the Marines. Which brings us current. What was KTOW or KAY-TOW will roll out in the mid spring of 2011 as a full fledged, high power(250,000 watt) FM radio station that is armed to being the biggest, fight the system , rebel radio station ever to run on the public airwaves in the Mountain West, not just Idaho. KDOH as it will be called, will become the flagship radio station to the Southern Steele Xpress/AyreWolf Radio Network, that will be rebroadcast to all of Idaho and Utah. As we have CP or Construction Permits for stations in American Falls, Arco, Malta, Idaho. Fort Bridger Wyoming , Wendover Utah, as well as both Eagle Mountain, and Payson Utah.

Read more about this in the TIMES NEWS, that is if the Times News, don’t snoose and loose, as well as in the Hazzard County Gazzette coming out in February. The Hazzard County Gazzette, is what’s left over from Monkey Bizzness.

How the Hazzard Knytes, became the Knytes of Anarchy next blog.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
A censor is a man who knows more than he thinks you ought to. - Granville Hicks
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household,”

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AWMAA LOGO Knytes Label 1

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Something’s growing in Buhl Idaho and it ain’t spuds



Something’s growing in Buhl and it ain’t spuds or dairy calves. While saying Buhl is not the most logical or obvious place to grow a electronic media hub, there are reasons why Buhl was picked to anchor the media hub of the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Considering that some 32 years ago the seeds of this organization was planted not more than 15 miles north of Buhl in Hagerman, is part of the decision to base the media hub, in Buhl. Many locations have been looked over, scratched under and surveyed, yet Buhl is that one little rural town that makes the grade. Many say that putting a media hub would be easier in a much larger city, the ingredients that determined the decision was made from two of those ingredients. One is the fact that Buhl has held the one western Idaho FCC allocation for a full commercial radio/tv station . The other is as said before the beginnings of the club, was in Hagerman that over the years, like it or not gained the nickname Hazzard. To answer the question why not Hazzard to be the media hub if the club began there, is that getting a radio , much less a TV signal out of the bowl that Hazzard rests in is extremely difficult. Second , many possible new hires of which Southern Steele Media, will be hiring an initial 50 new employees, and after the TV station is up, in 2011 somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 new jobs will be created in both Buhl, Hazzard, Castleford and Filer. In 2012 Southern Steele Media the media arm of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, will launch what will be branded the Confederate Star TV Network, that will be carried worldwide, over both satellite and cable TV channels. With the flagship TV station to go on the air in mid May 2012. But even with the grand plan, the Knytes-of-Anarchy, that began life as the Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz(customs) Association in 1979 has grown from 10 original members to nearly 150,000 members worldwide. Any where the Dukes of Hazzard was seen, there’s a Knytes-of-Anarchy chapter/charter.

Yes something is really growing in Buhl Idaho and it isn’t spuds. Keep reading here and in the TIMES NEWS, for more details.

L8R Ya’ll

WOLFS LAIR SIG  Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody. - Franklin P. Adams
Galatians 3:28“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Dukes Ryde Again, Smarter minds prevailed!!


With diminishing viewer ratings, CMT has came back to Hazzard County. Beginning the 10th of September CMT is running a Hazzard County marathon, and will begin rerunning the old series weekdays running at 13:00 hours each day. Now if you thought that this was an accident do I have news for you. The marathon kicks of production on the next Dukes movie, the Dukes Ryde Again. Yes the General Lee with featured cameo’s of us in the Knytes-of-Anarchy(Hazzard County Knytes) . The feature movie will also include scenes shot here in Buhl from KDOH, and will hit theaters next fall when both KDOH FM here goes on the air, full time as a honest to goodness, 24/7 365 radio station dedicated to all things Hazzard County and that means us as well. A feature casting of actress’s for the local scenes will take place in October at the MVM in Twin Falls, as well as in November in Pocatello at the PineRidge Mall , near Chubbuck Idaho. Such snippets as the old General Lee will finally meet up with the other 4-wheeled Confederate General, the General Jackson.

Is this a money grab from CMT looking to bring back viewers that left when CMT pulled the plug on running the old syndicated series? Perhaps. What ever smarter minds prevailed we are thankful. Watch the Times News of the Magic Valley, for further details, on both KDOH and the movie, project.

DukesFest West? Yes, 2012. Looks like that Dixie flag is about to rise again.

Ya’ll buckle up.

L8R Ya’ll

ablogcootersig csaflag

Quote of the day:
Sure there are dishonest men in local government. But there are dishonest men in national government too. - Richard M. Nixon
Isaiah 26:3“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome back to the Hazzard County Highway


Tuesday night I attended a meeting of folks from Hazzard and the Feds from BLM to area revenuers about the tragic loss’s suffered by the Hazzard folks on the big desert west of Hazzard. What I gathered from most of the speakers was a lot of I dunno to the always lip service from most if not all Yankee Union officials that attend such things. As I sat in that gym that spans the hallowed ground that once was Hazzard High now is a joint high and junior high, I got to walking the halls looking at the pictures on the wall of the original Hazzard High. And yes there’s even a few pictures there of not only me, but also what was the Hazzard Knytes, now the Knytes of Anarchy. This caused my brain to drain a bit on the slab headed back into Buhl here wishing there was a beer, to dry my tears. Then I got to thinkin as I was drinkin my 100 mile sea(coffee) now that the AyreWolvez are getting off the tarmac now, shouldn’t we be looking at strengthening the parent organization? Namely the Knytes of Anarchy? Granted there is no longer here a General Lee sitting out my front door, but does that mean we should sweep all things of Hazzard County off the floor? Then a consultant from SLC was here who is a member of the Utah charter of the Knytes and he started saying things that got my head to begin swimming. Things like ; yes an all warbyrds online only radio station/web site is good, but to put that out as just that in this neighborhood considering that this neighborhood is not as military based as say Utah is, rather here we have more gearheads under the hood, not inside of a cockpit. Added to that AyreWolf Aviation is not yet ready to make even a remote relocation to Idaho , but our heritage of things and feelings of the southern bred , Dixie fed confederacy that includes things Hazzard County, demands that we as a organization program the radio station to things Hazzard County, and put on a show say an hour or two devoted to military aviation, not the other way around.

This is not saying I’m keeping my feet glued to the ground or anything , nor am I abandoning the AyreWolvez, as the AyreWolvez are part of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, but things Hazzard County deserve to be saved, remembered and even modernized. I even found that the FCC call letters KDOH (Dukes-of-Hazzard) are available so why not fire it up that way. Perhaps in doing so, Uncle Jessie can shake the hand of Pappy Boyington and the spirits of both can guide us. Considering that the next Presidential elections are only a year or so away, and considering that the CSA/CNP could really use our voices in voicing that electorial platform, not to mention our Dixie carved, political ideals, KDOH would be the best jumping off place.

Like it or not , as a person , I have been in the clouds for the better of the last 7 years, I think its time to put the rubber to the slab and get back on the Hazzard County Highway.

More on the plan, next coffee stop.

L8R Ya’ll

ablogcootersig csaflag

Romans 12:4-5“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”

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ADDT TAIL 831410

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lets not forget where we started from


In this dismal existence we call life in the turbo lane its easy to forget ones roots. In the need for greed not just for feed, the Git-R-Done yesterday, before someone else enters the floor and closes the door on that next big deal, we forget that from where and even why began something.

Over the last few years of getting both into as well as on the air after we got thumped in the year 2000 and I re-entered service in the Confederate Marines, the foundation of what the Hazzard Knytes, that later became the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as sibling the AyreWolvez came from has been, shall I say grossly ignored.

The Hazzard Knytes was initially created out of the membership of the Road Commanders Club a group of rebel minded OTR both long and short haul truckers as well as fledgling toew truckers. Everything evolved out of that. In the interest of retaining that great heritage, I have taken to the highway , rather than so much flying . Mostly to renew that link between our organizations past as well as our future. After all to know where your headed , means to occasionally looking at your trailer, so-to-speak.

This all got in my windshield this morning talking to 8-Ball. He was reminiscing over the concept I had back in about 1987 somewhere of doing a weekly or at least monthly gig on going towing and trucking on TV , combined with delivering the news and views of the industries of trucking and towing, as well as a lifestyles examination from the point of view of the man or woman making their living driving a truck. Similar to AGDAY, but instead of focusing on production agriculture, us doing it about trucking, produced and written by truckers for truckers, delivered by truckers. 8-Ball said he could generate some financial interests as far as ad sponsorship from some of the big trucking companies in metro Utah as well as some of the trucking/trucker suppliers and vendors in metro Utah as well. So of course this got my brain to drain, and I thought hey this might be the road to run for the time between now and when and if the mutual powers that be, brings AyreWolf Aviation to Idaho, if we do at all. For this short haul, focus on going towing since that is something that I can wrap my hands around right now.

So that is the direction I’m heading.

Okay then yesterday, I brought to your attention the fact that while great , Emmie Lou did not bring to the table the same amount of grit and dedication to job at hand to our radio werx that Nurse GoodBody did. With that in mind, Emmie Lou is still a great friend, but she is just no ready to climb aboard this rig again. I can’t truly blame her. After all it goes to an old phrase from a rock tune years ago, called Once bitten , twice shy. I though think that once SSX/Dixie Diesel Radio etc is back up on full power and on the road with a full load she’ll be back to the table. Added to that an associate of hers from the same stable, is looking at getting on board. So no need to fret. That said, few of our former Highway Honeys are ready to get their fannies wet yet. So rather than dwell of the former, lets let off the clutch and fire up a talent search and snag us a few new Dixie-Diesel/Highway Honeys, Even  a Miss Dixie Diesel ?

More on that at our next coffee stop.

L8R Haulers

ablogcootersig 0827_04e

Quote of the day:
I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the paperwork. - Peter De Vries
Psalm 16:8“I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hazzard County Steering wheel cover & Thou shalt not incite a riot

bs_patch DDT HEADER

In Hazzard County, we are not endowed with a plethora of custom accessories stores as many in the big city are. Thus we use Hazzard County enginuity to get our rides personalized. To whit: Over many months of burning my hands on the steering wheel, of Wolf –2 during the summer and the black grit that would come off during times of wetness during the winter I devised an idea.

We all know the fetish fascination of me with nylon hose. Thus when Tammy split, she left a pair of her pantyhose at the Wolf’s Den. One afternoon long after I had moved to Goons Ferry, and seeing these hose in the closet, I decided to take action. So a trip to Jerome to Wally-World , and a pair of sewing scissors and I cut off the legs, and most of the panty, of the pantyhose. Stretched the rest of the assembly over the steering wheel, secured by some wire tie wraps, and hose strings and I had my steering wheel cover. Considering these same are starting to run now, I’m looking at redoing. That said also considering that pantyhose come in all kinds of colors, I can match the color of the wheel to that of the rest of the truck. Going to do the same thing to Wolf-1.

Okay then; to those at MHI, fair warning: Thou shalt not incite a riot, or lynching. I had an attorney look at what your doing today, who is the official legal council of the Knytes-of-Anarchy. He told me that not only could I sue you civilly for defamation of Character, but also criminal charges could be imposed. My suggestion to ya’ll, shut up . Your choice.

Things went well yesterday although I did not get much done, went to the treasurer of the Knytes-of-Anarchy to snag the $5,000.00 that is going in the mail Wednesday to RTV for our coast to coast ads. Hey Tom; be watching your mail boxes there at RTV. Got a cautionary light but looks as though the club just might get our Confederate States radio station up yet, as think we got a place in Buhl, for $125.00 a month. Much easier to swallow, for the club. Considering all the money that’s going to be paid out here over the next three months, plus having to buy new gear for the radio station, saving some $’s is paramount.

At 03:09 Hours 08-03-10

L8R Rebels

HH SIG my blog sig

1 Samuel 16:7“But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

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Lead,follow or get the hell out of the way.

Cletus Hogg

driving%201 DDT TAIL

StarWolf Log StarDate 87588.88 01:50 hours

StarTrek_UnitedFederationofPlanets_freedesktopwallpaper_p USC LOGO

StarWolf Log StarDate 87587.87

Did not do too much previous date. Missed the meeting at Cable-One, plain overslept. Rescheduled for Wednesday at 10:00 hours. Did reset of main control system at comm op’s, resurfaced the outer hull of Wolf-2 , outside of that did not do much.

I am concerned that my body is needing serious maintenance PT is required. Need to wean myself from Klingon Bloodwine.

Got an incoming communication from Ellie May today. Filming on her latest project is 10-24 and is code 95. Scheduled a rondavoo as soon as I can get to her sector.

Made contact with one to make a new comm center in this quadrant. Will follow up today.

Changed access codes on incoming starcomms.


my blog sig  STARWOLF LOGO

1 Samuel 16:7“But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Out of the office and out to lunch

DDT HEADER Wolfs Lair Header

I screened Meet the Press overnight and learned that many companies in America are still having a tuff go of it.

Economic recovery is never going to happen until America takes the byrd by the stick and begins to work. By that I mean , stay in the damn office , so that when somebody looking to purchase can get in touch with you. Now granted there are training meetings and so on, and understanding your customer is another.  Case-n-point, had a 10:00 hours meeting, but had a tow run to tend to that didn’t get cleaned up until 10:30 hours. Called our sales rep at Cable One, had to reschedule for Wednesday. Okay fine as it is, but  the same gal doing the sales pitching should consider that not every business is 8:00 to 17:00 hours. Some business’s do not have all together linked hours. Some like mine in towing, get called out on tow and recovery jobs that can last a few hours.  Those selling to my kinds of operations, need to be flexible enough to reschedule a meeting later in the day. So that sales can be made. Granted many now have cell phones, but not everybody does. And a few loose the service due to high costs. Myself I’d rather apply the same amount of money to a someone answering the phone and getting in touch via mobile radio. That’s a subject for a different time, but it means if your going to be in business especially sales, for hell sake stay in the damn office to field incoming sales inquiries. That’s how we get the American economy going again.

My opinion I could be wrong.

L8R Haulers

my blog sig  contactHeader

Quote of the day:
Military justice is to justice what military music is to music. - Groucho Marx
James 1:22“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

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