There are many people’s who ignore or just not get too all head up over the happenings of the Knytes of Anarchy. Those that do, too often find themselves wishing they ought to have. Then there comes the apologies over flat ignorance .
When the preteen or as they call today tweens, the Street Commanders Club, embarked on a quest to create an EMS/QRU Explorer Post in Hazzard in the early 1970’s , a request to the TIMES NEWS, went out and although done was a bit lackluster to say the least. Over the course of time what was then the Gooding County Leader printed scads of 411 of the formation of both the Street Commanders Club and the inevitable TeenAge Truckers 4-H young truckers organization . But as far as the BIG PAPER of Twin Falls and surrounding area we were most often ignored. We as the then TeenAge Truckers Club, which formed the Road Commanders Club that later became the foundation of what would evolve into the Hazzard County Knytes made due, but the ignore part of the Times News also cost the Times News many readers and some ad dollars. It was because of that ignorance that made the need for the radio station project in the first place. Obviously had a few other mainstream radio and print media firms in our area gave attention to what we were doing , maybe the events in 1975 might have been their front page. For it was in late 1974 that the then I-80 Control CB Club, combined with the Road Commanders Club, threw the biggest event that has ever occurred at the Filer Fairgrounds near Twin Falls. Our Trucker/CB Radio Enthusiasts Jamboree was and is still on the books of the grandest gig ever thrown there. Filer grew to just under 200,000 people that attended that bash, not only did truck stops, cafe’s and other similar type firms record some of their highest earnings, but so too did Motels, Hotels, RV parks, Campgrounds, had some of the best incomes ever done there. But neither the Times News nor many of the area media get the green that could have been theirs had they just got off their office chairs and hauled over to Hazzard to sit down and do up a story. In fact even though I had been doing fill in gigs with various radio stations in the area, it wasn’t until Charlie Tuma at KLIX 1310 allowed me to do the overnight weekend time slot that OTR style radio made its way over the airwaves over the highways of the Magic Valley. I had great teachers in radio, over those formative years, Big Kelly over at KEEP(KEZJ TODAY) , Dave Winters at KLIX, Carl Raida over at KLIX, Bobby Dobbs at KLIX, to name a few. Al Lee over at KART when it was a real all the time live radio station, Phil Gray, Doug Maughn , a Kelly Carlson of then KMTW, in fact it was Kelly Carlson that gave me a green light with a few dollars greasing the palm, to let me do a gig for OTR truckers on a mostly top 40 pop station. One of the most rememrable events was one weekend I was pooped. So I just put on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album , and let it run, without any commercial interruptions along with no editing. Edgy radio had arrived in the Magic Valley and so did I. I did a few local radio shifts after that, but I discovered two people that would forever change my style of radio forever The first of course is the legendary Robert Smith AKA WolfMan Jack. In fact it was Bob who told me to not quit, as he said I was one that had grit and talent. Shortly there after I caught Dr. Demento, and combined my style with theirs and grew what became Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio out of that. Trouble is like most things racy in the Magic Valley , area media was timid about putting on a show that was a bit too much in the hammer lane. Something to do with the restrictive , religious majority, in this area. So since the door was shut, on me, and the RCC, we decided to take matters in our own paws. It was in mid 1980 when the forming Hazzard crew said why can’t we do a station up in the Hagerman valley. Even though we were not legal, KDSL FM 89.1 went on the air anyway. Robert Conrad over at KLIX was threatened by our style of radio since we were getting ratings that far exceeded any station in the valley. So Mr. Conrad , blew the horn and we got a letter from the FCC, get legal or shut down/ . Adrian Cronhour , who you saw portrayed in Good Morning Vietnam, who became our legal council with the revenuers in DC, and some help from a few open minded politicians, and KTOW FM 105.7 went on the air from West Point Idaho in the fall of 1984. Shortly there after Marine service called me back in and for the most part KTOW went dark but not dead. In 1999 KTOW was fired back up for a short time in Hazzard, but again special services called me back in to the Marines. Which brings us current. What was KTOW or KAY-TOW will roll out in the mid spring of 2011 as a full fledged, high power(250,000 watt) FM radio station that is armed to being the biggest, fight the system , rebel radio station ever to run on the public airwaves in the Mountain West, not just Idaho. KDOH as it will be called, will become the flagship radio station to the Southern Steele Xpress/AyreWolf Radio Network, that will be rebroadcast to all of Idaho and Utah. As we have CP or Construction Permits for stations in American Falls, Arco, Malta, Idaho. Fort Bridger Wyoming , Wendover Utah, as well as both Eagle Mountain, and Payson Utah.
Read more about this in the TIMES NEWS, that is if the Times News, don’t snoose and loose, as well as in the Hazzard County Gazzette coming out in February. The Hazzard County Gazzette, is what’s left over from Monkey Bizzness.
How the Hazzard Knytes, became the Knytes of Anarchy next blog.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the day: A censor is a man who knows more than he thinks you ought to. - Granville Hicks
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household,”
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